Adjusting Back to an In-Person World

Posted by Veronica O'Brien on

For the past year and a half, many students have attended college virtually. It seems that this Fall, the majority of colleges and universities across the United States will operate 100% in person. Understandably, this has raised the anxiety levels of many college students as they wonder what their living situation and classes will be like. Professors will also face an adjustment as they reorient to in-person teaching and face-to-face interactions with students. As everyone involved in the college industry faces a significant adjustment in just a few short weeks, many may be searching for answers to the question “how do I adjust back?” 

Unfortunately, there is no single answer that will provide a seamless transition. Just like in March 2020, when everyone experienced a bumpy and awkward transition to a virtual world, now, in late 2021, everyone will experience an awkward transition to an in-person world. The first and foremost thing that everyone should tell themselves is that it’s okay to feel anxious and uncertain. We’ve lived in a virtual world for over a year, and adjusting back to in-person interactions can feel uncomfortable because you aren’t used to it --It’s okay! 

Despite not having a magical solution to fix the uncomfortable feelings that you may feel as you prepare for your return, we can offer some tips to make the best out of the experience. Anything helps, right? 

Get enough sleep.

We harp on sleep a lot (it’s important), but sleep is going to be your best friend during your time back in school. Try to adhere to a somewhat normal sleep routine where you fall asleep at a reasonable hour, get 8-9 hours of sleep, and wake up at a reasonable hour. Having a solid sleep schedule is going to help you adjust quickly to your school routine. Do you struggle with sleep? If you do, then we encourage you to invest in sleep solutions. Consider a Sleepyhead mattress topper, as these can make those uncomfortable dorm room mattresses transform into a magical experience.  

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. Reading or watching the news is a great way to stay informed, and it’s also a great way to feel sad. The world is not in the best state, and that is definitely reflected in the news. If you are someone who thoroughly enjoys keeping up to date, we suggest limiting the content you take in or set a time limit for how long you’ll engage in the news. Too much of anything can be harmful, and the news is no exception. 


Take care of yourself. I know it’s hard with limitations, and everyone is overly busy, but it’s so important to take time for self-care. As I’m wrapping up this article, I’m getting ready to watch an Olympic event for my self-care activity for the day, so it doesn’t have to be an extravagant outing, but just something that doesn’t take much mental energy that you enjoy.

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