Tips for Recovering After a Poor Night of Sleep

Posted by Veronica O'Brien on

Have you ever had a night where you just couldn’t fall asleep, and before you knew it, the clock read 3:00 am? We’ve all been there. Approximately 70% of American adults will have at least one night of insufficient sleep each month. That number is jarring and goes to show that no one is immune from a poor night’s sleep. The real question is, what do we do after a poor night of sleep? What are the best methods of recovery? We’re going to highlight five tips to help you recover from a night of sleep deprivation. 

1. Take a power nap 

To feel at your best, you will need to make up that sleep at some point. The best way to help feel recharged is by taking a 20-minute power nap early in the afternoon, specifically around 1:00 pm, as this is what experts recommend. Research has found that the best length for a nap is between 10-20 minutes because they provide all the restorative benefits of sleep without leaving you more groggy when you awake. Not everyone can immediately fall asleep at the drop of a dime, but even closing your eyes for 10-20 minutes can provide benefits. 

2. Sleep More the Next Night

This is the ideal solution after a night of poor sleep. Try to go to bed a few hours earlier than usual to catch up on those zzz's. You may still feel abnormally tired the following day, and if that’s the case, then try another night of extra sleep to ensure you’re fully caught up. The extra time in bed may be greatly appreciated if accompanied by a comfortable mattress topper.

3. Don’t sleep in

While hitting the snooze button more times than usual may feel like the right thing to do, it is actually more harmful than beneficial. Consistent wake-up times are essential for maintaining a consistent circadian rhythm. Sleeping in disrupts your body’s clock and can make you feel even more tired throughout the day. 

4. Stand Outside

Natural light signals to your body that the day has become, stopping your body from making melatonin (the sleepy chemical your brain products). Additionally, sunlight can boost your mood and make you feel just a tad bit more energized and happy on a day where you would rather stay in bed. 

5. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon

Coffee is okay as a morning pick me up, but avoid grabbing an extra cup after the clock turns 12:00 pm. Research has found that people who drink coffee in the afternoon often report trouble sleeping that night, and when you are trying to recover from a poor night of sleep, you do not want something preventing you from going to bed early. Though experts say caffeine in the morning is okay, be aware of how your body reacts to caffeine. If you’re anything like me, a cup of coffee in the morning provides energy that lasts well in the evening. If that’s the case for you as well, then avoid the morning cup. 

We hope these tips provide you with the recovery you need after a poor night of sleep. Sleep well, friends!

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